dimarts, 31 de març del 2020

English time!! (Tuesday 31st)

Good morning everybody!!

How's the weather like today??

Today, you can watch this video from the story of Froggy. I am going to tell the story and show you the flashcards with the pictures. Don't forget to repeat the names aloud as we were used to do in the class! Are you ready?? Let's go!

Avui, podeu veure aquest vídeo de la història d'en Froggy. Vaig a contar-vos el conte mostrant les targetes amb les imatges. No us oblideu de repetir els noms en veu alta així com solíem fer-ho a la classe! Esteu preparats? Let's go!

Now, you can do this activity to practice again the words of the vocabulary.

Ara, podem fer aquesta activitat per practicar una altra vegada les paraules del vocabulari.

Goodbye everybody!

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